正確的輪胎修補方法 Proper tire repair


An improper tire repair could be critical to vehicle safety, and it could pose a safety hazard to the people.  We would like to introduce ‘proper tire repair’ here.

1. 可以修補的輪胎 Partially repairable puncture tires


1. 胎面被扎穿的孔徑在6mm以下。
2. 修補個數不可超過2處,而且修補位置的間隔最少要在380mm以上。如果要維持輪胎原有的速度等級,則只允許修補一處穿孔。
3. 被扎傷的穿孔位置在胎面的可修補範圍之內(見右圖)。

Not all puncture tires can be repaired, repairable conditions are as follows,

1. Puncture Injury hole is less than 6mm in diameter.2. A maximum of two puncture hole repairs separated by at least 380mm.3. Puncture repairs are limited to the tread area, see right graphic.

2. 不可修補的輪胎 What puncture tire can’t be repaired 


1. 通常,防爆輪胎(run flat tire)不可修補,詳細請諮詢輪胎製造廠商。2. 胎面磨耗已經到達磨耗標誌(剩餘溝深不足1.6 mm)的輪胎。3. 輪胎上已經有不正確的修補。

4. 被扎傷的位置超出了可修補範圍(見右上圖)。

1. Generally, run-flat tires cannot be repaired, consult tire manufacturer for their repair.

2. Tire is worn to the tire’s tread wear indicators.3. Tire has an existing improper repair.4. The injury damage extends into the shoulder/belt edge area or where the injury extends at an angle into the shoulder area. 3. 正確的輪胎修補方法 Proper method of tire repair — 推薦方法 recommended我們推薦被稱為蘑菇釘的修補方法,如下圖②所示,用蘑菇釘的頂部貼在輪胎內面,重新密封輪胎,蘑菇釘的橡膠杆充填了損傷孔,防止路面的水分滲入到鋼帶,造成鋼帶腐蝕生鏽。 We recommend tire repair method as follows. Use one-piece patch/stem combination repair unit as figure ①.  The patch on the inside reseals the inner-liner to restore air containment and the rubber filler is exerted through the injury hole prevents moisture reaching the steel belts and carcass. 4. 不正確的輪胎修補方法 Improper method of tire repair — 不推薦 not recommended


1. 內面貼片:如下圖① 所示,在輪胎內面貼補丁。這種方法可以重新密封輪胎的氣密層,但是被刺穿到鋼帶和胎體的損傷孔未修補,路面的水深入後,會造成鋼帶生鏽,胎面脫層。

2. 穿膠條:如下圖③所示,從輪胎外側將膠條填入損傷孔內,這種方法不檢查輪胎內面是否被壓傷,而且這種修理方法需要擴大損傷孔徑,雖然橡膠條可以填補損傷孔,但不能保證避免空氣從橡膠條縫隙中漏出。

There are two other common repair methods on the market as follows, but they are improper and not recommended.

1. Use only a patch to repair as figure ②.  The patch only on the inside reseals the inner-liner but not fill the path of the injury hole and it doesn’t reach to the steel belts and carcass.

2. Use only a rubber string to repair as figure ③. The rubber string through the path of the injury from outside, without inspecting the interior of the tire damage, does not guarantee sealing of the inner liner. this repair may leak air slowly from the injury.

5. 輪胎行業推薦的修補方法 * Tire Industry recommended repair methods *

*(摘自 RMA 橡膠製造廠商協會)

1. 修補輪胎時必須將輪胎從鋼圈上拆下檢查,檢查有無其它可能存在在的損傷。2. 使用蘑菇釘方式的內面貼片與橡膠幹組合的修補部件。3. 穿刺角度大於25°時,使用內面貼片和橡膠幹的兩件式修補部件。4. 不可只使用穿橡膠條或僅使用一個內面貼片的方法修補輪胎。

*Excerpt from RMA (Rubber Manufacturers Association)1. Repairs must be performed by removing the tire from the rim to inspect to assess all damage that may be present2. Use one-piece patch/stem combination repair units.3. For punctures angled greater than 25°, two-piece stem and patch repair components are recommended.Never use only a rubber string (stem) or never use only a patch to repair a puncture tire. 6. 不可修補輪胎的實例 Example of unrepairable punctured tires

Side-wall damage can not be repaired

Repair should not exceed two injuries.

The inner liner has been damaged.

Damage extends into the shoulder edge area.

Tire is worn to the tire’s tread wear indicators.

Tire having an existing improper repair can not be repaired again.

Note: Repaired tires are not covered by Toyo Tire warranty policy.  
